Thursday, August 29, 2013


 Lucky us!  6th Grade Math students (both sides) will be participating in a 1:1 Technology Pilot this school year!  That means that when students are in my classroom, they will have daily access to technology, specifically a Samsung Chromebook.  We will be using these everyday to enhance our Math studies.  The two 6th Grade Language Arts classrooms will also be participating in the 1:1 pilot.

Although we are using them everyday we will not be exclusively using them, we have a great new book, and many other resources.  These will supplement our learning, not become the main source.  It's still sixth grade math, just like you learned.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Setting up!

Hopefully you found this and bookmarked it, you'll want to keep up each day during the school year to keep up.

Wow, we have new book and I spent time hauling them down to the classroom.  I'm excited to see how much fun we can have going through them and also the new practice journals.  I will be updating this more frequently as school starts and keeping us up to date as we go.

I'm excited to meet you on the open house day next Tuesday!