Tuesday, May 26, 2015

6th Grade Review

Group activity/task for the day:


Here's a link to practice the skills that will probably be on the end of the year assessment on Thursday and Friday.

Do these until you reach your limit for the day, you choose the topics!

Play Wonderputt, good luck, it's kind of challenging

Try each section to see what you need to work on for tomorrow's review

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Statistical Project

Statistical Question Project

Today we will begin working on our Statistical Question project.  Here's a quick overview of what you will be doing as you complete your project:

Statistical Question Project
Think of a statistical question that you could ask other students in this Math class.  It has to be a numerical statistic, not a categorical one.
  • Collect the data (ask your question to at least 20 different people)
  • Find the mean, median, mode and range of your data.
  • Indicate which measure(s) of central tendency best describe(s) your data. Explain.
  • Make four different data displays for your question.
  • Analyze your data and answer your statistical question.
  • Create a Google Presentation of your findings. You should have a slide showing each of the following:
              *SLIDE 1: Statistical Question
              *SLIDE 2: Data (in a table)
              *SLIDE 3: Mean
              *SLIDE 4: Median
              *SLIDE 5: Mode
              *SLIDE 6: Range
              *SLIDE 7: Best Measure of Central Tendency explanation
              *SLIDE 8: Dot Plot
              *SLIDE 9: Frequency table
              *SLIDE 10: Histogram
              *SLIDE 11: Box-and-Whisker Plot
              *SLIDE 12: Answer to Statistical Question

Here is an example of a Statistical Question project submitted by one of Mr. Nelson's former students:

Friday, May 15, 2015

Box and Whisker Plot

Here are some things to do if you finish early, remember to sign in to get credit.

Box and Whisker I
Box and Whisker II (creating them)

Then, go to Khan's "World of Math"

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Quiz and measures of symmetry

Today we have a few things to do:

1) 10.3 Shapes of Distribution
2) Quiz on 10.1 and 10.2
3) Go to Khan and search for "shape of distributions" then complete the problems.
4) Complete all mastery challenges that you have at Khan

Bonus, if you finish early try to get everyone across the river in this logic game.

Bonus Game

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Stem and Leaf Plots

Greetings!  Today I am attending a funeral, but don't worry, you'll still be able to learn a new skill!  Follow the tasks in order and do your best.  I will check the Khan progress to see if you have learned how to do these.

This is your proof of learning today, so do your best.  

Task #1 - Read and Understand

Today’s Lesson: Stem and Leaf Plots

Examples and teaching

Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 4.15.10 PM.png

Notice the Key in the bottom right corner, it shows that the tens digit stays to the left and the ones digit goes to the right.  Another example is: 56 would be 5|6  78 would be 7|8, get it?  


Task #2

Read and Check for understanding with the image below:
Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 4.15.33 PM.png

I’m glad you understand it now, let’s move to something else.  


Task #3
IXL Practice


Task #4

Go to this link and play until you get to at least level 5


Task #5 - This is the part I will be grading today, you do not have to be perfect, but must complete at least five in a row so it shows that you “practiced”

Don’t forget to sign in or it won’t count.  :)  


Task #6 - www.xtramath.org if necessary


TASK #7 - More Khan Academy Activities
Do the following Khan Academy Exercises


Congratulations, you worked hard and learned something.  Use the remaining time to work quietly and allow others to do their best.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Test Review

Test Review for Measures of Center

TASK #1 - Play this game with a partner or by yourself to review.


TASK #2 - Complete the Review


TASK #3 - Do www.xtramath.org unless you're done with it.

TASK #4 - Khan Academy or math games

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Range, IQR, and MAD quiz

When you finish here is the game of the day, if you defeat the entire game you may do other things, if not, keep demolishing things!

Demolition City 2

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mean Absolute Deviation

Today in class we are learning this skill.  When the lesson is complete, go to the link, sign in, and practice the skill.


Enjoy, should be easy if you followed along well with the lesson.

This week:
Monday: MAD
Tuesday: Quiz 9.4 and 9.5
Wednesday : Review of entire chapter 9
Thursday: Chapter 9 (Statistics) Test
Friday: An in-class game