Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Today we laid the groundwork for the algebraic expressions that will becoming more important throughout their middle and high school careers.  Here's an example of what we're talking about currently:

This week we are looking at expressions and next week we continue with WKCE testing on Thursday and Friday of next week.  No need to prepare, just do your best.  Also, conference forms are coming home with times.  If you have a specific math question, please email me and I'll make sure to either tell your Cares teacher or I'll email you back with the answer.  Thanks!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Online gradebook and Chapter 3 pretest

Today is as it sounds, we tried (with some success) to log into the online gradebook.  You can ask you child about that and we'll work on it again another day.  Also we pretested on Chapter 3, so tomorrow we're talking a little more algebraically.  That's about it, not much else. 

In cares the topic we were giving was "Is rap music negatively affecting our youth?"  If you have thoughts on that you can also post and I'll share with the class. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Decimals Assessment

I'm in the process of checking the evidence that the students gave me today.  The case is to see/prove that they can add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals using the standard algorithm.  I will have them in the gradebook sometime this weekend.  Also the "level up" sheets are done for the week and I love to see who upgraded their grade and showed mastery over the skills they previously did not demonstrate. 

Last weekend of October and the term ends in a few school days.  Monday I will be attempting to show students how to access their online grades and prepare a progress report for before conferences. 


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Yesterday and Today we covered the process of calculating decimals when you add, subtract, and multiply.  I've included some pictures to refresh your memory or just as a reference as needed.  We will continue to divide decimals tomorrow (with a Star Trek reference) and then quiz on Friday.

Check the gradebook it has been updated to reflect level up sheets and the fractions we quizzed on last week.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Chance to show what you know about...


We've been practicing and working with division of fractions and word problems involving division of fractions.  Today we did a review and tomorrow will be an opportunity to show mastery and also level up on previous skills where a 1 was earned.

Keep an eye on the gradebook on Monday when it will be updated with the two new standard skills of dividing fractions and dividing fractions in word problems.

Here's a progress check from the Big Ideas Student book:

Progress Check (I noticed that the signs are a bit funny, I think the word problems would be most helpful)

Also, if you want/need a refresher about the content you can go here and click on the sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 to check it out.  Here's another link:  Review

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Today we continued to work on fractions, the standards we are looking to master are:

1. I can divide fractions
2. I can divide fractions in a word problem
3. I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimal numbers

Our biggest things that are learning challenges are converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, forgetting to skip, flip, multiply, and reduce, and finally the simple act of copying down the problem.  You'd be surprised how much success we can have just by following the process of setting up the problem.

As a parent or teacher, my thought is that you can't truly get the help you need if you didn't set up the problem.  :)

Here's a quick example of a problem that we are working on:

Enjoy, early release tomorrow, so not a regular math class tomorrow.

To finish out the week:
Wednesday - Early Release
Thursday - Review of all things multi and divide fractions
Friday - Quiz on multiplication and division of fractions and Level Up opportunity on skills at a 1

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fraction Multiplication and Test Scores

Here's a response I wrote about the scores recently entered into the gradebook:

Here's how the improvement works.  My goal is that each student shows evidence of learning in all of the skills that we cover in 6th grade math.  After the test I keep track of each skill that they haven't mastered yet and then give a mini-test of the same skill, but different problems.  If they show mastery of that skill the grade is changed to reflect that growth.  You should see a comment in the gradebook if they "leveled up" in that skill. 
Feel free to email me any questions you have about that or anything else that is math related.  Have a nice weekend.

Basically, each student on the test scores a 1, 2, 3, or 4 and I am hoping to see a 3 to demonstrate mastery of that skill.  (note: a 4 would be an enrichment or extension grade above and beyond)

Back to the present time: We are working on multiplying fractions, converting mixed numbers, and improper fractions.  You might want to ask your child about a cheerleader holding up a bodybuilder, kind of a fun image.  No school Friday, I'll be back on to update you on Monday when we start dividing fractions.  Hint: It's just like multiplication of fractions, but we flip the second number.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Starting Chapter 2

Today we completed a pre-test that will show which areas of our upcoming studies need more attention than others.  Also, with the pre-test we will be able to see which students are ready for more extensions and enrichments in those skills.  Those scores will be in the gradebook soon.

Your child should have brought home the first test today, please email me if you have questions.

Also, if anyone scores a 1 or 2 and wants to prove that they've practiced and mastered or improved that skill there will be opportunities each week to increase their score.  As always, we're learning and attempting to get to mastery of each skill.

Note: there will be no update on Tuesday, Oct. 8th, since the green side is visiting the environmental site for the entire day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapter 1 Test Friday

Here is a practice test you can take online at home or anywhere, just click the link and see how you do. You can even take it as a family if you wish.

Practice Test

Here are the skills we are trying to proof knowledge of:

For those who don't speak Common Core State Standards, they mean:
Long Division
Exponents and Powers
Order of Operations
Greatest Common Factor
Least Common Multiple

Should be fun, looking for all students to show growth and success on the first assessment.