Thursday, March 29, 2018

Level Up chances and start of Fantasy Baseball Game

Today in class we are going to be doing a few level up activities to see if you've practiced and improved your skills.

Also, something new!  We are starting a version of fantasy baseball through the end of the school year.  It's opening day for some MLB teams, so here we go.

Complete this form before you leave class today. Note they are all Brewers players.  Gotta support the hometown team right?  (Full disclosure, I'm more of a Minnesota fan) .

Fantasy Baseball Picks

Only one form per person.  :) Or you may be disqualified.

You can research players here if you wish to have more information.

Finally, the categories you can gain points in are:
Home Runs
Runs Batted In
Base on Balls (Walks)
Strike Outs (least is better)
Stolen Bases
Batting Average

Five points per category, per week.  I'll explain in class. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday Finish Ups. Chair Volleyball, Course Benchmarks, and Yahtzee

Cares - Chair Volleyball was a good way to start the day.  Pretty wild stuff.  Very intense and fun.

Math -

Task #1 - Yahtzee

Use this game for the lesson today:

Use this sheet to input your scores: Yahtzee Scores

Task #2 - Finish course benchmark assignment from Big Ideas Math

If there is extra time, I stole these activities from Mr. Nelson's list:

TASK #3 - This task was removed due to weird things. Sorry.

TASK #4 - HoodaMath Game: “Phit
Don’t throw a fit, just play the game! See how many levels you can get through.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tests Today!

Math II

Use this sheet if you want reminders on the formulas to help you.

Chapter 9 Red Help Sheet

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Volume of Pyramids

Math II

How Prisms and Pyramids relate:


Math I

1.  Big Ideas Quiz #1-5 and 10 are required.  The rest are optional. 

2.  Finish all Big Ideas Assignments

3. Check out this link for extra math tasks.  Click Here

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Volume of Prisms

Here is the picture of the main idea for today:

Note: you can also just multiply length, width, and height. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Cylinders and Surface Area of Pyramids


Field Trip money and form for Orchestra Hall is due, make sure you put it in the basket.  

Also, get that Yellow "Student Registration" form for your music class selection as a 7th grader.

Our door for the contest:


Math II - We learned about the Surface Area of Cylinders today.  Here are the board notes that sum it up pretty nicely.

It's all about the formula and substitutions.  The math isn't the tough thing, it's understanding where the numbers go and why.  I think we set a strong foundation for that today.

Bad joke: You "can" figure these out.  Ha, get it?  can.


Math I - Surface area of pyramids

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Seuss Door and Surface Area Practice

Cares: We picked our body parts and then tried to make them for our door decoration.


Math -  Surface Area for prisms and pyramids (depending your hour)

Here's a quick guide to help you with the problems today:

Challenge Problem

Here's a picture Mr. Flaten took of how many miles he drove in January 2018


Based on all factors that you can think of, how many miles did I drive in February?