Field Trip money and form for Orchestra Hall is due, make sure you put it in the basket.
Also, get that Yellow "Student Registration" form for your music class selection as a 7th grader.
Our door for the contest:

Our door for the contest:

Math II - We learned about the Surface Area of Cylinders today. Here are the board notes that sum it up pretty nicely.

It's all about the formula and substitutions. The math isn't the tough thing, it's understanding where the numbers go and why. I think we set a strong foundation for that today.
Bad joke: You "can" figure these out. Ha, get it? can.
Math I - Surface area of pyramids

It's all about the formula and substitutions. The math isn't the tough thing, it's understanding where the numbers go and why. I think we set a strong foundation for that today.
Bad joke: You "can" figure these out. Ha, get it? can.
Math I - Surface area of pyramids

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