Friday, March 1, 2019

Triangle Area Practice and Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll

When you finish today, here's some Triangle Area Practice

In WIN today we talked about Math and Money for day 2.

Here's a man who taught himself to read and how to invest and now help others handle financial decisions.

Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll

Also, we talked about delayed gratification and the famous marshmallow test.  (note: we know it's not a perfect study, but relevant to how investing money works)


  1. hey there,
    I am a student at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow, OK studying elementary education. I want to teach middle school math. I am following your blog to get some ideas on how to teach math and have enjoyed your posts since following. I will be following your posts and writing a summary on your content to my discussion board weekly. I wanted to introduce myself and if you have any questions or concerns you can email me at Thank you, Jessica Batten

    1. Thanks, I haven't been active on here because it was mainly a splash page for students in my class to get to things more easily. I hope you have been enjoying success in your career thus far.
