Cares: Grade Check and missing work report. We also watched an interesting video of kids reacting to the "old" computer. An Apple from the early 1980s. Or as I call it, my childhood.
Math 1: Today is the first test of the course. It's on Long Division, Powers/Exponents, Order of Operations, GCF, and LCM. We'll see how it goes.

Math 2: Oh boy, lots of stuff to review and start to use.
Here's the note/practice sheet from today: 2.4 Note/Practice Sheet
The goal was (is) to be able to fluently multiply and divide rational numbers. In doing so, we had to review a few things, for example:
1. Changing a mixed number into an improper fraction
2. How to divide fractions
3. Multiplying decimals and what happens to the point in the answer
4. What are brackets and how are they different from parenthesis?
5. Review multiplying fractions
6. If the signs are positive or negative what's the answer going to be?
7. How to set up the problem for the most success.
8. Exponents and how to find something to the third power
I think that's about it. I had to talk/teach a lot, so we'll do some extra independent practice tomorrow.
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