Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Factors, Factor Trees, and Prime Factorization! Oh My!

Alright, oops, forgot to get on here last night, that's alright though because we talked about divisibility tricks, so it was just a small set up for today. 

Three things:
1. Factor Pairs - this is when you have a number like 20 and you find all of the ways you can multiply and get that number, so we'd go with:

1 x 20
2 x 10
4 x 5

2. Factor Trees - this is when you start with a number and find pairs, but not all, until you have nothing but prime numbers.  (Reminder: Prime numbers only have two factors, like 7 would only have 1 x 7)

20 (starting number)      
2 x 10 (here's a factor pair)
2 x 5 x 2 (Only primes are left)

3. Prime Factorization - this is when you do the tree and end up with only prime numbers so you order them and write them as exponents if you can, so 20 would be equal to 2 x 2 x 5 and you could write that with an exponent for two to the second power.  

Tomorrow is Greatest Common Factor or GCF, basically we're finding more factor pairs of two numbers and finding the biggest one. 

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