Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday - Multi-digit division (Long Division)

     Remember those days when we were in school and got to do many, many long division problems.  It was awesome if you knew how, but if you didn't it was pretty miserable.  There are four steps you probably remember by heart, if not, here they are:

1. Divide
2. Multiply
3. Subtract
4. Bring Down

     We did this over and over in wait to see if there would be a remainder!  How much fun was that?  Well, today there were four of these on the board and each student had a chance to show if they knew/remembered how to do these.  Some did, some didn't, no problem. 

     I had a great time teaching the group that wanted the lesson and those who have already conquered the task had a challenge assignment and got to work on other math skills using the same division techniques.  It was great, behavior was awesome, people were on-task, and the best part, I'm sure each learner is more confident in dividing now.  I can only teach as well as the students learn, today was great, next week we have some order of operations to look forward to.  See you then! 

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